Seven Common Obstacles to Meditating

Overcoming your initial roadblocks in meditation practice is often part of what prevents people from getting started.

The most common reasons I hear why people don’t try to meditate are:

  • I don’t have time for it
  • I can’t sit still
  • My mind won’t stop racing

These are normal responses and should not be a reason to give up.


Obstacle #1:

Feeling restless or having difficulty relaxing

  • Try guided relaxation or yoga Nidra meditation.
  • Go for a walk, do some yoga or dance before meditating to release some energy.
  • Clench and relax each muscle group, working your way down from your face to your toes.

Obstacle #2:

Feeling drowsy or falling asleep

  • Sleepiness is fine if you are doing meditation before bed.
  • At any other time, try meditating away from your bedroom as your brain tends to associate it with sleep.
  • Try a sitting posture rather than lying down.
  • Do some stretches or go for a walk before meditating.
  • Avoid eating and drinking before meditating.
  • Ensure you’re getting enough sleep at night.

Obstacle #3:

Feeling emotional

  • It’s common for emotions and thoughts to arise when sitting for long periods without the distractions of keeping busy.
  • Crying, laughing, and passing gas are signs of releasing tension and will usually clear as you continue.
  • Be gentle and kind to yourself. If it becomes too intense, you may wish to stop and continue later when you have processed or released the emotion.
  • If persistent thoughts or emotions affect your ability to enjoy everyday life or function correctly, please seek professional counselling services.

Obstacle #4:

Losing interest and drifting off

  • Mindfulness meditation is a means to embrace and accept life rather than trying to escape reality.
  • It’s normal to sometimes feel sensations of ‘drifting off, but it’s essential to remain aware.
  • If you’re feeling dizzy, lightheaded or disorientated, try to focus on your breathing and where you can feel the breath in your body – such as your nostrils, chest or belly.

Obstacle #5:

Hyper (or hypo) ventilation

  • Changes in your breathing pattern can increase or decrease levels of CO2, causing dizziness and anxiety.
  • Breathe in and out through your nostrils, at your own natural pace and rhythm.
  • Don’t try to hold your breath or breathe too deeply.
  • Symptoms should pass. If they don’t, try a physical activity like walking and seek medical advice if they persist.

Obstacle #6:

Feeling guilty

  • Feeling guilty for taking this time out for yourself – especially when it looks like you’re doing nothing- can hinder your progress. 
  • Remind yourself that self-care is vital for physical and mental wellbeing, and maintaining harmonious relationships.
  • If you don’t look after yourself, it will hamper your care for others and even your performance at work, home or sport.
  • Remember that meditation can help you be more productive as it brings greater focus and clarity.
  • Just like physical exercise, the key to maximising the benefits of meditation is consistency. The longer you meditate, the greater the benefits will be. 

Obstacle #7:

Feeling uncomfortable

  • A little bit of discomfort is okay to keep you awake and aware. But too much pain will distract you from your meditation practice and its benefits.
  • Try focussing on your breathing until any minor discomforts like cramps, itching, or mild pain go away.
  • Massage or rub the area or if needed.
  • Stretch and mindfully move your body into a more comfortable position

Kind Words

Louise N
October 3, 2024

Natalie is a kind and caring practitioner who takes a substantial amount of time to cater to individual needs. I can particularly recommend her online meditation library, which is great for at-home practice and offers a large range of guided meditations.

Michelle Boyd
August 16, 2024

My favourite way to spend a Monday night, is to visit the Alite Mind studio for Group Meditation Natalie has created a warm and cosy space to unload your worries & stresses of the day. Stepping into the room feels like being enveloped in a giant hug. Her presence is very calming and I leave feeling refreshed and have clarity of mind. I thoroughly enjoy the sessions

August 13, 2024

I have felt consistently supported and safe with the compassionate, authentic, gentle care provided by Natalie, at a truly difficult and challenging time :)

Nicole Laughton
August 13, 2024

I highly recommend Natalie at Alite Mind she supported me through a very high stressful time in my life. I felt safe, supported and understood all the way through our sessions. I took the opportunity to become a member to her meditations and they too are amazing, her voice is so calm and soothing easy to follow. Natalie is very professional, kind and compassionate. Thank you for all you have done to support me in my time of need.

Deb Harvey
July 16, 2024

I love my Tuesday morning meditations at Alite Mind. The atmosphere is so relaxing and welcoming and the session is just lovely, like a warm hug! I always leave feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. Thank you!

Rach Jenkins
June 10, 2024

Nat is amazing very supportive and helpful to learn more about meditation The group is a Wonderful safe and comfort zone

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