Alite Mind Children’s Class Enrolment Form

Firstly, I would like to welcome everyone to Alite Mind - Meditation and Mindfulness. Could you please fill in the following class enrolment form for your child. This information is strictly confidential but is critically important for me to understand so I can best support and facilitate all meditation practices.

Please answer all items, so I can best support your child during these sessions. Thank you.

"*" indicates required fields

DD slash MM slash YYYY

About the child

Medical Information

If yes, please ensure he/she brings relevant medication with them to class and are able to administer to themselves.

Terms and Conditions

Alite Mind classes include movement, stretches, visualisation, breathing exercises, musical instruments, and children’s creative art techniques.

Parent’s Responsibilities

Refund classes

Thank you so much for your interest and involvement with these meditation sessions. I appreciate you completing this form. Should you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Warm Regards,
Natalie Michels
Counsellor, specialist Mindfulness and Meditation practitioner
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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