Code of Conduct


All Children always have the right to be emotionally & physically safe from harm.
I am committed to the safety & well-being of all children / young people accessing my services.
I take a preventative, proactive & participatory stance on child protection issues.
I fully support the rights of the child & will act without hesitation to ensure a child safe & friendly environment is always maintained.

• Conduct myself in a manner consistent with my position as a positive role model to children & young people
• Treat all children & young persons with dignity & respect regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status & take notice of their reactions to my tone of voice & manner
• Ensure children, young people & families know their rights & how to access the complaints procedures available to them.
• Always ensure another adult, preferably a parent or carer is present when conducting one-on-one classes, with a child or young person (deemed as a person under 18 years of age);
• Report any suspected harm or risk of harm to children and young people
• Ensure that all allegations or suspicions of any type of harm are recorded & immediately reported to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78)
• Safeguard & make responsible use of information & resources to which I have access
• Undergo regular child protection training as required as per my child safe policy.

• Engage in rough physical games, pranks or horseplay with a child or young person
• Engage children or young people in any form of sexual activity or acts, including paying for sexual services or acts where the child is below the age of consent and / or the acts are an offence under relevant laws
• Make sexually suggestive comments to children or young people even as a joke or use language or behaviour that is inappropriate, harassing, abusive or demeaning
• Do things of a personal nature that a child or young person can adequately do for themselves such as disrobing, toileting, or changing clothes etc; or engage in any special relationship or favouritism.
• Spend unsupervised time alone with a child;
• Take a child or young person to my home, accommodation or other place or encourage meetings outside the worker’s premises or workplace activities.

Where physical contact is required, this is undertaken in a safe way by explaining why contact is required and what will happen and asking the child/young person for their permission (or their family if this is more appropriate) before proceeding.



Teacher – Student Relationship
A good teacher–student relationship requires the teacher to have high standards of professional conduct. Meditation teachers need to respect the rights and dignity of all students. They also need to respect the trust placed in the teacher by the student. The following codes emphasise trust and safety as the basis for the teacher–student relationship. Please note, here the word ‘student’ includes those attending meditation classes, teacher trainees and those being mentored.
1.1 Respect and Rights
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
1.1.1 Demonstrate respect to all students regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, physical and psychological limitation, sexual orientation or religious affiliation
1.1.2 Respect the values, beliefs and aspirations of all meditation students
1.2 Confidentiality
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
1.2.1 Protect students’ privacy and right to confidentiality
1.2.2 Treat all information about students as confidential
1.2.3 Obtain consent from students before photographing, audio or video tape recording or permitting third party observation of Meditation sessions.
1.2.4 Request students’ permission before adding their names to mailing lists and be clear about the content of mail-outs. Respect also the students’ right to opt out of such mailing lists.
1.2.5 Be mindful of their duty of care and report any concern they have for the safety and wellbeing of their student to the relevant emergency support: 131114 1300659467 1800551800 1300789978
or contact the Meditation Australia office (0475 709 612) and we will assist you to proceed with your report.
1.3 Effective Communication
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
Understand that relationships that are based on trust and clear communication enable teachers to work effectively with their students.
1.3.1 Communicate with students in a courteous, respectful, compassionate and honest manner.
1.3.2 Communicate respect for students through actions, language and behaviour.
1.3.3 Listen to students’ needs, concerns, and preferences.
1.3.4 Communicate clearly about ways to practise meditation safely.
1.3.5 Seek permission before, and be respectful when, physically touching a student.
1.3.6 Make comments about a student’s practice that are always constructive and positive and in no way denigrating.
1.4 Safety
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
1.4.1 Maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment for the teaching and practice of meditation.
1.4.2 Maintain safety procedures for meditation equipment.
1.4.3 Support the safety of students in the teaching of meditation.
1.4.4 Adhere to relevant legislative requirements surrounding and care including Occupational Health and Safety and Duty of Care requirements.
1.4.5 Maintain public liability and professional indemnity insurance requirements.
1.4.6 Maintain current first aid training qualification and competency.
1.5 Professional Boundaries
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
1.5.1 Be considerate of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of students.
1.5.2 Be considerate of the preferences and limitations of students.
1.5.3 Consistently maintain appropriate professional boundaries.
1.5.4 Recognise the power imbalance between teacher and student and not in no way harass or exploit students physically, psychologically, emotionally, sexually or financially.
1.5.5 Declare and take appropriate steps to address any conflict of interest that may arise in dealings with students.
1.5.6 Avoid relationships that could compromise the integrity of the teacher-student relationship.
1.6 Grievances
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
1.6.1 Acknowledge the student’s right to make a complaint.
1.6.2 Take all necessary actions to resolve any complaints or grievances as outlined in the Meditation Australia Grievance Policy.

2. Relationship with Peers
These Codes outline a professional approach to working with other meditation teachers and relevant professionals.
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
2.1 Speak respectfully of other meditation traditions and health modalities.
2.2 Treat other meditation teachers and colleagues in a respectful manner.
2.3 When appropriate, refer to and work cooperatively with other meditation teachers and relevant health practitioners, to meet the needs of the student.
2.4 Consult and take advice from colleagues and mentors, when appropriate.

3. Professional Practice
These Codes relate to maintaining the professionalism in surrounding meditation teaching as expected by peers, students and the community.
3.1 Professional Performance
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
3.1.1 Maintain the currency of teaching skills and knowledge in accordance with Meditation Australia’s Guidelines.
3.1.2 Acknowledge and teach meditation within the scope of one’s skills, knowledge and ability.
3.1.3 Maintain their personal meditation practice.
3.1.4 Commit to ongoing professional development in accordance with Meditation Australia’s CPD guidelines.
3.1.5 Agree to cooperate fully with any MA enquiry directed to MA in relation to behaviour and responsibilities as a member.
3.1.6 Abide by all MA policies and procedures.
3.2 Integrity in Teaching
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
3.2.1 Respond in all professional matters in a manner that honours the profession.
3.2.2 Represent the benefits and outcomes of meditation practice with honesty, accuracy and fairness.
3.2.3 Respect copyright and all intellectual property and acknowledge sources when drawing on the work of others.
3.3 Business Integrity
Teachers who hold membership with Meditation Australia will:
3.3.1 Abide by all relevant business and legislative requirements, including, but not limited to, insurance, work cover, pay and conditions, taxation, accounting, marketing, and advertising, and copyright.
3.3.2 Ensure all information relating to the benefits of meditation and information used for promotional and marketing purposes is accurate, fair, clearly stated and not misleading in any way.
3.3.3 Treat all employees, the community, students, colleagues and other meditation businesses fairly, transparently and honestly in the course of all business transactions.
3.3.4 As much as possible adhere to environmentally friendly and sustainable business practices, including, but not limited to, recycling, using energy-efficient products, being energy efficient, reducing waste, saving water and travelling smarter.


Kind Words

Louise N
October 3, 2024

Natalie is a kind and caring practitioner who takes a substantial amount of time to cater to individual needs. I can particularly recommend her online meditation library, which is great for at-home practice and offers a large range of guided meditations.

Michelle Boyd
August 16, 2024

My favourite way to spend a Monday night, is to visit the Alite Mind studio for Group Meditation Natalie has created a warm and cosy space to unload your worries & stresses of the day. Stepping into the room feels like being enveloped in a giant hug. Her presence is very calming and I leave feeling refreshed and have clarity of mind. I thoroughly enjoy the sessions

August 13, 2024

I have felt consistently supported and safe with the compassionate, authentic, gentle care provided by Natalie, at a truly difficult and challenging time :)

Nicole Laughton
August 13, 2024

I highly recommend Natalie at Alite Mind she supported me through a very high stressful time in my life. I felt safe, supported and understood all the way through our sessions. I took the opportunity to become a member to her meditations and they too are amazing, her voice is so calm and soothing easy to follow. Natalie is very professional, kind and compassionate. Thank you for all you have done to support me in my time of need.

Deb Harvey
July 16, 2024

I love my Tuesday morning meditations at Alite Mind. The atmosphere is so relaxing and welcoming and the session is just lovely, like a warm hug! I always leave feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. Thank you!

Rach Jenkins
June 10, 2024

Nat is amazing very supportive and helpful to learn more about meditation The group is a Wonderful safe and comfort zone

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